The shotgun wedding I was in as a bridesmaid was this weekend. I shouldn't have to say more...J and I got to get all dressed up and eat cake.
On Friday, one of my friends from church and I volunteered at Feed My Starving Children and had such a great time! The organization is a Christian non-profit that provides meals to children struggling with hunger all over the world. I was most impressed with the fact that over 90% of donations go directly to the products needed to pack food. The packing is done solely by volunteers. Pretty cool. I recommend checking them out. www. It's a really great cause and I will be returning.

J and I both had such a great weekend and got even closer with a couple from church. They have been an answer to our prayers. We continually learn from them and can't wait to see what else we can learn together about the Lord and His plan for our lives.
Be back soon,